Top Ten Tuesday: Fall Books (My Favs...)

Happy Tuesday Everyone! That means that it is time for another Top 10 Tuesday! This week's theme is built around the concept of fall. Everyone is asked to come up with 10 books that have fall cover's or themes.These books don't necessarily take place during the fall; however, their covers definitely scream fall. : )

 I Am The Messenger. This was definitely a great book. I listened to it on audiobook and absolutely fell in love with the concept. I know a lot of people have read The Book Thief; however, this one is definitely great. Dorothy Must Die Stories. If you're a fan of Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige then I would recommend checking out this compilation of novellas. The Battle of the Labyrinth. I mean it's Percy Jackson. There is no way that I could make this list without including at least one of the books.

More Happy Than Not. Adam Silvera's debut novel is fantastic. If you haven't read anything by him I would recommend starting here. Dragonfly In Amber. If you want to start this series just make sure you have some time to invest and devout to it. American Born Chinese. My library is currently deciding on whether to make this part of our adult book club series and I must say I'm really excited. It's been a while since I've read it, but just know that I've loved every single aspect of it.

Alex + Ada. This is a great comic book series if you're a fan of science fiction and futuristic tales. The Darkest Magic. Three words-just read it. Firefight. I think I pretty much fell in love with Brandon Sanderson because of this series. It's such a twisted view on superheroes and their role in society that you can't help but to enjoy it. I still haven't read the final book in the series, but that's because I don't want the series to end.

Stepping to A New Day. Okay, so I just want you guys to know that this is the 7th book in the series; however, it was completely and totally amazing. I loved it and I instantly asked my library to buy the first three books in the series. If you haven't read it definitely check out the first book.

What books do you guys like with fall colors or fall themes?


  1. Any and all of the 'Dorothy' books are PERFECT fits for today's topic! Though I've been curious about this series for a long time, I've yet to read it. :)

  2. Dorothy has the best selling books in my opinion and one can have the best part-time reading too, I have seen many positive reviews about this and wants to see more of them.
