May Wrap-Up / June TBR

Happy Monday everyone! This is something that I usually don't do, but I'm going to re-cap what I read in May and then give a "general" (and I use that word loosely) idea of what I'll be reading in June. I actually ended up reading a lot in May and posting a lot in May because I finally graduated from school! I'm so excited to be able to spend more time reading and exploring what I want to do with my blog and Youtube channel.

 These were definitely some of my favorites of the month. Here is a list of everything that I read. Books reviewed will be linked: 

Total: 28 Books 


So, in the past few years I've been focusing on statistics related to my reading. While I haven't been super active this year, I'm hoping to continue my understanding of my reading patterns for the rest of the year. 

So it appears that I definitely read more picture books and manga/comics than anything else. Young adult wasn't too far behind. I'm hoping to have a wider variety in June. Next month I also plan to delve a little bit more into the statistics behind what I've been reading. 

Overall, I had a good reading month; however, I decided to do something different for my TBR. Instead of coming up with this long list of books, I've decided to pick my top 6 and then let my mood reading take off from there. Check out the video below to see what I mean: 

What did you read in May? And what are you looking forward to reading in June? 


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