Top 10 Tuesday: Books in Beach Bag

Top 10 Books I Plan To Have In My "Beach Bag" This Summer 

Every Tuesday the Broke and the Bookish do a top 10 based on a theme. This weeks theme is the 10  books we plan to have in our beach bags this summer. Some of my books will actually be series that I plan to read this summer. Here is my list: 

  1. Heroes of Olympus Series by Rick Riordan: I am a sucker for mythology. I'm currently reading Rick Riordan's original series Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and I am completely in love with them. I cannot wait to begin this series this summer!
  2. Burn for Burn by Jenny Han: A book series about revenge?!? Yea, go ahead and sign me up. 
  3. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling: I've read this series at least two times already, but I really want to do a re-read of the entire series before the summer is over.
  4. Saga Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughn: I cannot get enough of this epic sci-fi graphic novel. I'm sure volume 3 is going to be just as good if not better than volume 1 and volume 2. 
  5. Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Fairytale retelling?!? And it's set in the future. I know I'm really behind on reading this book, but I cannot wait to get into it. 
  6. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: I have yet to read a Morgan Matson book, but I have heard nothing but good things about this book. I think it is a perfect book for the summer. 
  7. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: Yet again I am extremely behind on reading this series; however, I have heard that it is a great YA fantasy series to read. 
  8. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover: Because what summer list would be complete without Colleen Hoover. 
  9. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell: I read Landline by Rainbow Rowell last summer and absolutely fell in love with her writing. It would only be right that I complete another one of her novels this summer. 
  10. Emma by Jane Austen: I could not let my list be complete without a classic especially from one of my favorite authors. I have read 4 out of Jane Austen's 6 novels and hope to complete the last two by the end of the year. 
What books do you plan to have in your beach bag this summer?!? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. I'm really excited about Cinder too! I love fairy tale re-writes! I also added an Austen book, Pride and Prejudice, to my list this week! Happy reading! :)

    1. I love Pride and Prejudice!! Let me know what you think of it! Happy reading to you as well!

  2. Hope you enjoy Heroes of Olympus, and Throne of Glass!
    My TTT:

  3. I have been dying to read Rick Riordan's series! I love mythology and I have heard nothing but good things about them!

    Nice list!

    My TTT:)

    1. Check them out!! You'll really love them if you love mythology! And thank you! I'll be sure to check your list out!

  4. That's awesome we both had Emma on our lists. :)
    A Harry Potter re-read is always great. :)

    1. Ahh! Let me know when you plan on reading Emma! Maybe we can do a readalong? :)

  5. I really need to read the other Throne of Glass books (I've only read Throne of Glass and it was good).
