Waiting on Wednesday, #59: Dangerous Alliance: An Austentacious Romance by Jennieke Cohen

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Tressa over at Wishful Endings She has taken on a similar meme to Jills Waiting on Wednesday over at Breaking the Spine. Since Jill hasn't posted in a while I'm going to join in on this meme. To participate all you have to do is spotlight upcoming publications you're eagerly anticipating. Keep reading to see what I have chosen for this week.

Series: N/A
Publication: December 3rd, 2019
Goodreads | Amazon 

Lady Victoria Aston has everything she could want: an older sister happily wed, the future of her family estate secure, and ample opportunity to while her time away in the fields around her home. But now Vicky must marry—or find herself and her family destitute. Armed only with the wisdom she has gained from her beloved novels by Jane Austen, she enters society’s treacherous season. Sadly, Miss Austen has little to say about Vicky’s exact circumstances: whether the roguish Mr. Carmichael is indeed a scoundrel, if her former best friend, Tom Sherborne, is out for her dowry or for her heart, or even how to fend off the attentions of the foppish Mr. Silby, he of the unfortunate fashion sensibility. Most unfortunately of all, Vicky’s books are silent on the topic of the mysterious accidents cropping up around her…ones that could prevent her from surviving until her wedding day.

I'm SUPER excited for this book because I am a huge Austen fan. While I've only read half of her published books, Austen has the ability to write romances in a way that is heart-warming and makes the reader swoon. I almost bypassed this book because of the cover, but when I realized what the second half of the title was I quickly read the synopsis to get more information. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this book.

What books are you looking forward to this fall/winter?

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