June Wrap-Up / July TBR

Happy Monday Everyone! Below you'll find some information about the books that I read this past month and what I plan to read in July. I'm participating in the Book Junkie Trials this month which I've already created a TBR for so you'll see that video below.

These two were definitely my favorites for the month and they are polar opposites. Cherishing the Goddess was all about romance; however, Here Comes the Sun focused a lot more on societal and economic issues of Jamaica. Here's a list of everything that I read this month. Books with reviews will be linked: 

Total: 17


So, in the past few years I've been focusing on statistics related to my reading. While I haven't been super active this year, I'm hoping to continue my understanding of my reading patterns for the rest of the year. I started adding a graph the post that I did for my May wrap-up. 

I'm super surprised by the results of this month's reading. I read more adult titles than another other genre. That usually isn't the case. This actually makes me excited that I'm evening out my reading instead of just reading young adult. 

Pages Read: 2,182
Average Rating: 3.4

Overall, I had a really great reading month. This next month is going to be super intense because I'm planning to participate in the Book Junkie Trials. I have 17 books lined up for that. Watch the video below to check out my TBR. 


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