Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Books I Loved My 1st Year of Blogging

Okay so as some of you guys may know, I started my first year of blogging back in 2015 but was so inconsistent and scared of what to do that it didn't go so well. In fact, this is the first year that I would even consider my blogging to be even close to being where I want to be. Meh, anyway on to the good stuff. It's Tuesday so you know that means another Top 10 Tuesday! This weeks theme is a throw back. So we were given a couple of options and I decided to go with the top 10 books that I loved my first year of blogging. This is going to be as interesting to me as it is to you. I promise!! : )


Americanah. This was my first book by Chimamanda and I absolutely loved it. I found it incredibly captivating and authentic. (Review) Percy Jackson. Although I just included the picture of one of the books, 2015 was the year that I read all of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians books. I believe it started with just reading one for Booktubeathon and then it turned into a reading frenzy and I've been hooked ever since. More Happy Than Not. I fell in love with Adam Silvera while reading this book. I completely enjoyed it and I'm sad to say that I haven't read anything else by him since. I plan on rectifying that soon. (Review)

Spelled. This was an interesting book and at the time I was really into fairy tale re-tellings. I loved the way that Betsy Schow began each chapter. If you haven't picked up this book I definitely think that you should give it a try. The second one just came out not too long ago. (Review) Half-Blood. I was going through a mythology phase and trust me it hasn't ended yet. haha. Half-Blood was truly amazing and I recommend it to any and everyone who wants to a good teen mythology series. Fables. If you know me and you know me well, it will come as no surprise that I'm a Fables junkie. I love this series and I plan on re-reading the series sometime soon so I can remember exactly what happened. 

The Wrath & The Dawn. I heard everyone talking about this one and I just had to get my hands on it. Fortunately, I enjoyed every single page of it. On the down side, I still haven't read the sequel. I know, I know. I have got to do better. Trust me. I keep telling myself the same thing. (Review). The Wicked & The Divine. 2015 must have been the year that I became a comic book junkie because I read a lot of them. This was one of my favorites simply because of the artwork. The story was a little difficult to follow, but man that artwork was well worth the deciphering. Falling Kingdoms. If you haven't read this one I need you to pick it up now! It's great for fans of fantasy and definitely has a Game of Thrones feel to it. 

Outlander. Outlander was one of the most intense historical fiction books I have ever read. It took me a while to get through it, but I must admit it was well worth it. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to the rest of the series yet, but I hope to change that soon. 


  1. I have read a few of these too and Falling Kingdoms is definitely my favorite of the bunch! I love that series and cannot wait for the last installment!

  2. Oooo, I loved reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon!! I have several books in your post on my ever growing reading wish list!

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week:

  3. I read Half-Blood and enjoyed it so much and yet still haven't continued with the series. And I really want to read Falling Kingdoms. I have two friends that really rave about that series. Outlander remains one of my all-time favorites. What a story!
