Top 10 Tuesday: New To Me Authors (2015)

It's time for another Top 10 Tuesday host by The Broke and The Bookish. Today's theme is to discuss our top 10 new to us authors in 2015!

1. So I know this book was published a long time ago; however, this was my first time reading Diana Gabaldon and boy do I love her writing. I cannot wait to finish the rest of the Outlander series next year!

2. Oh my...this woman is a brilliant author. One of the best writers I encountered this year. I cannot wait to read more of her work this upcoming year.

3. I might  be the last person to actually start the Throne of Glass series; however, I'm glad I actually checked out Sarah J. Maas's writing this year. I hope to catch up with the series very soon.

4. Adam Silvera is one of the most brilliant authors I have encountered this year and I absolutely love that we share the same last name. : )

5. Morgan Rhodes and the Falling Kingdoms is probably my greatest discovery of the 2015 year of reading. I not only found her book Falling Kingdoms, but I read all three books that are currently published as well as the first book in the spin off series.

6. John Layman and Rob Guillory...I don't even have anything to say except brilliant. I absolutely love the Chew graphic novel seires.

7. Another great graphic novel series I checked out for the first time this year. I absolutely loved this graphic novel and I cannot wait to read the third bind up when it comes out. 

8. A fairy-tale re-telling of Cinderella set in the future. I cannot wait to finish the rest of the series next year. Marissa Meyer definitely has a knack for writing. 

9. Ned Vizzini--I heard his name so much whenever bloggers talked about books with the issue of mental illness. I'm definitely glad that I jumped on the bandwagon. 

10. Last but definitely not least. I'm so excited that I discovered the brilliance of Bill Willingham and his series Fables. I know that the final issue came out this year and I'm extremely excited to be reading this comic series as it is the re-telling of famous fairy-tale characters. 

What were some of your favorite new to you authors this year? Let me know in the comment section below. 



  1. You're not the last person who started the Throne of Glass series! I haven't yet! :) I know, I really need to start it already! Same goes with any Morgan Rhodes book. I've amazing things about her works over at the book community. I also did a TTT here on my blog!

    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

  2. Outlander is one of my all time favorite books, and I really loved Americanah (also on my list of new authors). I keep hearing great things about Cinder.

  3. I started reading Sarah J. Maas late as well. But on the plus side, After Throne of Glass, I didn't have to wait for the sequels to be published! I liked It's Kind of a Funny Story, too. Have a good week.

  4. Love the Throne of Glass series! Hope you enjoy the rest of them.
    My TTT:

  5. I'll be following several of your recommendations...Particularly "Throne of Glass" and maybe "Falling Kingdoms". With over 1800 In my Kindle archive, nearly 100 still TBR, every new author leads to research to find the first volume for another binge series read. I just finished Collean Gleason's Gardella vampire hunters over the last several days and must be moving on...
    Have fun reading!!!
