The Friday #56, #3 Fables Vol. 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers

The Friday #56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice. Join in every Friday and share an excerpt from the book you've been reading. Here are the rules:

  • Grab a book, any book. 
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader 
  • Find any sentence (or a few, don't spoil it) that grab you. 
  • Post it. 
** Be sure to post the link to your Friday 56 in the comments below. 

Happy Reading 

So I decided to do my Friday #56 a little differently and post a picture instead of a sentence because I'm reading a graphic novel. I thought this would give readers a better insight to what I'm seeing as I read the 4th volume of Fables. 

pg. 56 in Fables Vol 4

This is the 4th volume of the Fables collection of comics. I started reading the comic series this summer and I haven't been able to stop reading it since then. I was lucky enough to find several of the volumes on sale at a second hand bookstore. I hope to finish this collection by the end of this weekend! :) 


For centuries the Fables have watched the gateways between our mundane world and their lost magical homelands, ever on guard for signs of invasion. Now, after decades of quiet, it seems that someone has finally escaped the Adversary's oppression and made it to sanctuary. But appearances, as always, can be deceiving, and there's plenty about this refugee's story that smells wrong too the right noses. In fact, things are even worse than they suspect--plans are already under way for the complete destruction of Fabletown, and every one of its citizens is about to get a refresher course in the unforgiving lessons of war. 



  1. What a fun page, sounds like someone is not too familiar with technology. I have tried comics a few times but I struggle to stick with them. Happy Friday!

    1. Lol oh yea she was completely lost about technology! Try to find a comic that really interest you and you'll be able to stick with it.

  2. I like what you've done with it this week! :) I really should read this series.

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  3. I love graphic novels, especially during a reading slump!
    Happy weekend!

    1. They are definitely great reads during reading slumps!

  4. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award

  5. Cool. I have not read any of the new graphic novels, but this sounds like one I may enjoy. Thanks for sharing.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

    1. No problem! It really is a great graphic novel series.

  6. I hope you did well trying to finish the collection this weekend! I wanted to do Friday 56, but didn't have enough time.

    By the way, I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award!

    1. I did finish it!! It was great. :) And thank you so much. That was so sweet of you.

    2. Glad to hear you liked it! And you're welcome! You totally deserve it! :)
