Top 10 Tuesday: Longest Books on My TBR

Happy Tuesday Everyone! Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday. Remember that this is now being hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is to find the top 10 books that have been on our TBR the longest. I used my good reads to find books that I've make "to read" going back almost four years ago. Smh. I'm so ashamed I haven't started most of these books yet. Keep reading to find out what they are! : )

Perks of Being A Wallflower. So this is one where I've actually seen the movie but I've never read the book. I thought that the movie was amazing so I'm sure I'll think the same thing about the book, but first I need to find the time to get to it. Coraline. Once again, I've seen the movie of this one, but I've never read the book and I actually have never read anything by Neil Gaiman so I need to change that. Anna and the French Kiss. This is supposed to be a really cute contemporary. Everyone has read it, well except for me. 

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour. I've read one of Morgan Matson's other books, but for some reason I haven't had time to get to her other books. It's probably because I mainly read contemporary during the summer. Can You Keep a Secret? This is a book I'm really looking forward to listening to on audiobook. I love Sophie Kinsella books on audio. The narrators are usually really good. Roots. There is no excuse for not having read this book. I'm ashamed that it's even still on my TBR.

Shakespeare Sonnets. I've read a few his sonnets before and they were completely and utterly beautiful. I just need to find a complete collection and then I'll read them sometime soon. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. This is a classic and I know that most people had it as required reading in high school or college. Unfortunately, I didn't so I'm looking forward to reading it. Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict. I read the first book in this duology a while ago and found it to be truly captivating. I enjoyed every single second of it so I have no idea why it's taken me so long to pick up the second one. 

Wildwood Dancing. This is another book that I've heard so many good things about. I don't even remember where I heard of it, but I can't wait to pick it up. 

What are the longest books on your TBR?

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