Sunday Post #4

Happy Sunday fellow bloggers and readers. I am back with another Sunday post hosted by the lovely caffeinated book reviewer. It's been a while since I've done one of these once again. Haha I can't seem to do one of these weekly wrap ups in a consistent manner. If you haven't heard the Sunday post is an opportunity to discuss what happened on your blog during the week and what you have planned for the upcoming week.  So let's go ahead and get started!

Okay let's start with my week in a complete recap. It's been a crazyyyyy week. Work is getting a little overwhelming with everything that we have going on; however, I think that it eventually will turn out ok. I'm going on vacation to Florida next week to see my dad and brother who I haven't seen in years so I'm trying to get all of my blog posts organized for the week that way I don't have to worry about them when I'm gone. So let's go ahead and get started! 

So this past week I've actually been getting quite a few books and I don't want to post them all because it really was a lot haha. However, I did post them all for my Stacking the Shelves post so if you're interested in seeing all of the books that I acquired for the week I definitely would recommend checking that post out. 

  • Sailor Moon Season 1: Review 
  • Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Things That Instantly Want To Make Me Read A Book
  • Can't Wait Wednesday #5, Flame in the Mist
  • Food Wars: Vol. 11-14 Review
  • Friday #56, #31 Clockwork Prince
  • Stacking the Shelves, #2 

So I'm trying to finish both Illuminae and Clockwork Prince before the 20th which is the end of the tometopple readathon. I don't know if it'll happen, but I'm seriously hoping it will. I'm catching up on Food Wars as the 17th volume was just released.

That's it guys!! Hopefully I get some stuff accomplished before I go on my trip. But this vacation is solely about me relaxing so I'm not going to pressure myself into doing much of anything except having fun. Let me know what you guys did this past week and what you have planned for the upcoming week. 



  1. Sailormoon! My, that nostalgia. And Illuminae is just so good! I hope you are enjoying it.
