Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Characters I Would Love to See As Adults

Hey guys!! So it's Tuesday and that means another Top 10 Tuesday hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish. This weeks theme was to pick 10 childhood favorite characters we would love to see as adults! I was really excited to do this topic so lets go ahead and get started! :) 

The Berenstain Bears. I mean I definitely wanted to know if the cute little cubs became anything like mama and papa bear. I used too love this books growing and still have some of the original copies. 

Harriet the Spy. I know I'm not the only one who wonders if Harriet ever went to work for the FBI or CIA. I mean the girl had some amazing skills. If you haven't read this yet you definitely need to pick it up 

James and the Giant Peach. So James get's this giant peach and lives happily ever after with his family of bugs. If he was to get married has anybody thought about how his spouse will feel about living with huge bugs haha!

Mary Poppins. Okay so we all know that Mary Poppins was an adult, but whatever happened to Jane and Michael. Does Mary Poppins come to take care of their kids? I have soooo many questions.

Nancy Drew. Like Harriet the Spy I always wondered whether Nancy Drew would become a detective for a police agency or maybe even for the government. I mean she was pretty good at sleuthing and definitely has a long resume to back up her credibility.

A Series of Unfortunate Events. So Klaus, Sunny, & Violet had such an unfortunate life growing up I sincerely hope it got better when they became adults.

Stuart Little. I love this book! I would read it over and over as a child and now that I'm an adult I definitely want to know what happened when Stuart grew up. Does he have a family and how does he continue to function in the world of humans?

The Janitor's Boy. This book is definitely a classic and if you haven't read it you definitely do. I wonder what the main character became and if he causes as much trouble as he did when he was younger.

Wishbone. I used to read a lot of Wishbone growing up and I never found out what happened to him or the human characters in the books. 

Ramona. Ramona caused so many issues growing up and somehow still saved the day every single time. I know wonder is she has the same personality as an adult.



  1. I picked Harriett, James, and Nancy too! Happy Tuesday! :D

  2. Oh my! I didn't even think about Klaus, Sunny and Violet!! I would absolutely love to see how things turned out for them as well. Great list and Happy Tuesday :)

  3. I would be interested to see where the Baudelaires were later in life as well (though they weren't on my list this week), I definitely hope things got better for them too!
    My TTT:
