WWW Wednesday #3

So it's another Wednesday guys! That means I'm back with another WWW Wednesday. This meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on A World of Words. The point of the meme is to answer 3 questions that all begin with the letter W. The three questions are:

  • What are you currently reading? 
  • What have you recently finished? 
  • What do you think you'll read next?  

Let's Get Started!!

Currently Reading

So as you guys can see I'm still reading Anna Karenina. I'm making my way through it slowly, but I'm really enjoying it. The next thing on my list is the Clarina Nichols book. I was sent this book for review by the publisher as a part of a blog tour. My post will go up on the 21st so I definitely have to finish this one soon! The last thing I'm reading is The Encyclopedia of Early Earth. I definitely have been looking forward to this book for a while, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Luckily, my library had an available copy.

Recently Finished


So if you guys didn't notice I've been reading quite a bit in the past couple of weeks. This includes two weeks worth because I didn't do a post last week. I recently finished The Girl of Fire & Thorns and thought it was amazing. I ended up reserving the next book at the library. Fruits Basket was also pretty amazing. I definitely enjoyed the characters and their relationships. I ended up giving it a four out of five stars. The rest of the books all received 3.5 stars for various reasons that I will be including in future reviews. 

Reading Next 


As usual I have a variety of things planned to read next. The first is Calamity by Brandon Sanderson. I've been putting this one off because I don't want the trilogy to end, but I'm super excited to read it. The next is the 2nd volume of  Fruits Basket. I loved the first volume so much I definitely felt the urge to get the 2nd from the library. The last thing I'll be picking up is Like Water for Chocolate which is the next book for my Around the World Reading Challenge. I'm super excited to read this book. I read it in high school, but I don't remember much from it.



  1. I've been thinking about reading The Girl of Fire and Thorns. I checked it out from the library, so it's just sitting on my shelf. Maybe next week I'll start on that! Looks like you've got some good books coming up. I've heard about the Reckoners series. Have you read the Mistborn series? If so, how do the two compare? I haven't read them yet, but I've been wanting to get into Brandon Sanderson.

    1. I haven't read the Mistborn series yet. It's on my TBR for this month. It's a good place to start for his adult fantasy books. It get's you used to his world building, writing, and character development.

  2. Congrats on that finished list! I am slowly making my way through a book or three right now. Hoping to finish them all about the same time. Happy reading!


  3. I've had Girl of Fire and Thorns on my shelf for ages and still haven't picked it up. Looking forward to your review to see what you thought of it! Maybe it can give me that push that I need to finally get to it lol

    1. haha I hope you like it as much as I did and I definitely will be posting a review soon! :)
