Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree

Hey everybody! It's Tuesday so you know that means another TTT which is hosted by the lovely ladies over The Broke and The Bookish. This week's theme was especially easy considering that Christmas is right around the corner. I hope you guys enjoy my list!



What books do you want Santa to bring you this Christmas??


  1. Fangirl and Winter are just fantastic!! I hope you get all the books :)

    Our TTT
    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  2. Yes! I still would like to read Moby Dick and Bleak House. I hope that Santa leaves you some bookish loot. Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks love!! I'm definitely hoping to read Moby Dick this year at least.

  3. I keep on seeing Magnus Chase and Winter on everyone's list and completely agree! I already own Winter, but I definitely would not have minded seeing Magnus Chase under my Christmas tree! ;D

    Great list! Hope you had a good Christmas!

    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!
