Tentative February TBR

Happy Monday everyone! I can't believe that we've already made it to another day that brings us closer to February. As I have said time and time again, this year is definitely going to fly by. I can't wait to see all that is in store. So with February closely approaching, I wanted to share my February TBR which is going to be extremely tentative. I like to read a lot of books with African-American authors and I usually participate in #readsoullit. However, with school being in session I have to keep in mind that I'll be doing readings related to class. This ultimately means that my TBR won't be as stacked as it usually is during other months. Let's go ahead and jump into a few of the books I plan to read and finish up in the month of February.

A Long Way Gone (Goodreads): I've been meaning to read this book for a while. It not only fulfills my goals to continue to read books associated with foreign authors, but it also fulfills my goal to focus on reading more non-fiction. I've heard about the children soldiers in Sierra Leone; however, it will be amazing to get a first hand account of the experience of a child that was actually forced to fight in the civil war. Calling My Name (Goodreads): I keep putting this book off; however, I think this is the perfect time for meed to read it this month. I have not heard much about it, but it appears to be a coming of age story and it really sounds interesting. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Goodreads): This is a classic that I need to read this year not only because I've set a goal to read at least 12 classics this year, but also because I think that it is an important book.

Drama High: The Fight (Goodreads): This was a book I wanted to get to in January as well, but I didn't get the chance to read it so I think that it will be priority. The Underground Railroad (Goodreads): This is a book that I've heard so much about, but have yet to read. I'm really excited to get to it this month. I've heard that it takes the Underground Railroad and provides the reader with so much more. 

So the major question is probably what am I currently reading?? As always it's a few things haha! I won't talk about them too much here, but I will have the covers posted below. 

What do you plan on reading this month? 

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