Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Books I Love That No Else Really Knows About

Happy Tuesday everyone! That means it's another Top 10 Tuesday hosted by the ladies over at the Broke and the Bookish! : ) I hope you guys are excited about today's topic. The original topic was top 10 books I loved more/less than I thought I would, but I decided to mix it up and go with 10 books I love that no one else really knows about. I based my decisions on books that had less than 2000 ratings on goodreads. Keeping reading to see what I chose for the week! : )

Changing Corners (4 Ratings). Yes this book only has four ratings which includes my own. I found this book on Amazon for my Kindle and read it last year for #diverseathon. I thought it was great and absolutely loved  the story. I wish that more people knew about it. Paper Things (1,256 Ratings). I read this book last year because it was nominated to receive a South Carolina book award. It tackles some heavy issues such as young adult homelessness. I thought it was amazing and heartbreaking. Choices (444). This was a part of my journey into urban fiction and I devoured all of it in about two days. It definitely is worth a read.

Saving Kabul Corner (237 Ratings). This was a great insight to the culture surrounding Afghanistan. It's a children's book, but I would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to read a book that is dynamic, innovative, and fun. The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse (206). I read this book as an ARC from Netgalley and I really enjoyed it. It was mysterious and filled with a Louisiana bayou type feel. Still I Rise (144). This is a lesser known graphic novel. It chronicles black history from the time of slavery all the way up to Barack Obama's election. It had it's problems, but overall I really enjoyed it. 

Stepping to A New Day (270 Ratings). I received this one as part of a book blog tour and I didn't realize that it was the 7th in a series, but my goodness I absolutely loved it and I plan on reading the rest of the series soon. Bayou (1,688 Ratings). This is a great graphic novel series that I found and loved. Unfortunately, I don't think the author Jeremy Love ever finished the series. Dixieland Sushi (1097 Ratings). Cara Lockwood is a great contemporary author that I randomly picked up a few years ago. She writes with such ease and fluidity and her works are always humorous. 

The Blacker the Berry (395 Ratings). This is another book that I picked up randomly from my local library and I'm glad that I did. It's a compilation of poetry and it focuses of the different shades that make up the black community. It's beautiful and a must read for everyone. 



  1. I loved The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse! I'm so glad to see you have read it and enjoyed it as well. :) Your choices for this list are pretty spot on because I haven't heard of most of these -- but that makes me happy that I can now potentially add so many more books to my ever-expanding TBR. Bayou in particular sounds really intriguing. I'm always looking for awesome new things to read. Awesome list!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you found some new stuff to read! : )
