Top 10 Tuesday: Books Picked Up On A Whim

It's Tuesday so you know that means another Top 10 Tuesday hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and The Bookish . This week's topic was to introduce books that we picked up on whim (I interpreted this to mean without recommendation from anyone). I was actually really excited to share some books/comics that I picked up because they sounded interesting. I read so many things based on recommendation that I started trying to find things on my own. I hope you enjoy and be sure to list some books you picked up on a whim below.

Nobody every really talked about this book and I randomly picked it up in the bookstore and I ended up really liking it. If you want something that is a complete twist on fairy tales I definitely recommend picking this one up.

Okay! You guys who have been following this blog for a while know how much I absolutely love Fables. I got my initial copy at the library and instantly fell in love. I've been hooked ever since. 

I wanted to try more manga and the cover just drew me in and ever since then I've been a huge fan. If you are a foodie that loves manga I have to admit that this is the perfect series for you. 

Once again this was solely a cover buy. I thought it would be interesting and I was completely right. Teenage kids and a dead super hero can be a pretty interesting mix. 

I just saw a comic that focused on girl power and I was sold. If you are a big fan of Sailor Moon I think you have some potential to enjoy this comic series. 

I saw Chimamanda's "We Should All Be Feminists" Ted Talk and I must admit my curiosity was peaked so I just decided to give one of her books a try. Her writing is beautiful. If you haven't read anything by her you must give one of her books a chance. 

I found that I was reading a lot of comics that were non-super hero so I decided to branch into this genre. I randomly decided to start with Wonder Woman and I can truly say the first volume was AMAZING! 

All I heard was boarding school and weird, freaky supernatural things and I promise you I was completely sold. 

I mean it's a Pride and Prejudice re-telling from Mr. Darcy's perspective so when I randomly found it I just knew I had to dive in. Who wouldn't want a glimpse into Mr. Darcy's head?!? 

I hope you guys enjoyed my list! Let me know about some of the books you picked up randomly. 


  1. I read Fables on a whim as well! I picked it up when it was on sale on my Kindle and rater enjoyed it (though I haven't picked up any other volumes than the first yet...)

    1. Pick the rest of them up! haha They are absolutely AMAZING! :)

  2. I haven't read any of these! Looks like I'll have more books to add to my to-read list. I've been wanting to read We Should All Be Feminists for a while now. Here is my TTT!

    1. LOL if you read any of them let me know what you think!

  3. I still haven't read Spelled, but plan to. It wasn't the biggest buzz book, was it? Still, the synopsis sounds great and it's good to hear that you liked it.
