Never Never: Part 1 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

Publication: 2015
# of Pages: 159
Source: Kindle, E-book 

Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen. Complete strangers since this morning. He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget. 

What if you lost your memory? Everything you ever knew is completely void and irrelevant. Welcome to the world of Silas and Charlie, two teens who can't for anything in the world figure out who they are. Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher write a book split into three parts chronicling this very event. 

What I appreciated about this first part was the suspense and confusion. The reader, just like the characters, was suspended into an unfamiliar world, not knowing the setting or other characters. The reader only knows as much as Charlie and Silas, thereby forcing the reader to take the journey with the main characters. I absolutely loved taking this journey with them. I tried to put clues and pieces of the puzzle together as all three of us received new information. In addition to the this, Hoover and Fisher were able to effectively illustrate the pain, sorrow, and happiness felt by the protagonists. Because they lost their memories it is expected that the main characters go through a series of emotions which could have been particularly difficult to convey. However, each emotion was executed in a beautiful manner. It was amazing to watch which emotions the characters were forced to experience as a result of their acquirement of new knowledge. 

The major component of this novel that was difficult me to appreciate was the revelation of how the main characters lost their memory. The hype related to this book was extremely high across various platforms. By the time I reached the end of the book I was expecting some huge revelation; however, it was a bit anti-climatic. Yes, the suspense was present; however, it didn't give me an extremely strong urge to read part 2. I more so wanted to finish the three parts to see what all the fuss was about. In retrospect it is easy to say that I adored the writing and development of characters; however, the plot needed a little more work. It will be interesting to see where part 2 and part 3 take the entire concept of the story. 



  1. I'm literally obsessed with this blog! You're outline for your blog is amazing. I've been wanting to read this for such a long time but haven't validated spending the money for it if I won't necessarily love it.

    1. Thanks love!!! I got them all on Kindle so it was much cheaper!!

    2. Good idea! I'll have to buy them sometime soon. :)
