Friday #56, #67 Food Wars Vol. 6 by Yuto Tsukuda

The Friday #56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's VoiceJoin in every Friday and share an excerpt from a book you've been reading. Here are the rules:
  • Grab a book 
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader
  • Find any sentence (or a few, don't spoil it) 

**Be sure to post the links to your Friday #56 below!

Happy Reading

Series: Food Wars, #6
# of Pages: 192
Publication: June 2nd, 2015
Genre: Shonen Manga 
Source: Owned 

Soma Yukihira’s old man runs a small family restaurant in the less savory end of town. Aiming to one day surpass his father’s culinary prowess, Soma hones his skills day in and day out until one day, out of the blue, his father decides to enroll Soma in a classy culinary school! Can Soma really cut it in a place that prides itself on a 10 percent graduation rate? And can he convince the beautiful, domineering heiress of the school that he belongs there at all?! The contestants for the Totsuki Institute’s annual Fall Classic have been chosen! A decades-old event, the Fall Classic has been the grand stage for fierce cooking battles for years. The chosen participants, each aiming to be crowned winner, begin their training! But as they do, someone special visits Polaris Dorm.

pg. 56

This is a re-read for me! However, if you know me then you know that this is one of my favorite manga series of all time. I've read up to about volume 23, but it's been so long that I decided to do a re-read of the entire series. I actually have a review of this volume as well. You can find a review here. What are you reading this weekend?


  1. Looks like such a fun manga read! Happy weekend!

  2. I haven't read this manga series, but I've heard a lot of good things about it.
