Friday #56, #29 Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

The Friday #56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's VoiceJoin in every Friday and share an excerpt from a book you've been reading. Here are the rules:

  • Grab a book 
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader
  • Find any sentence (or a few, don't spoil it) 

**Be sure to post the links to your Friday #56 below!

Happy Reading!

So this week and next week I'm participating in the #tometopplereadathon which is being hosted by the booktube Sam @ Thoughts on Tomes. It's a readathon where we actually focus on reading big books (500 pages or more). This week I want to make a dent in my reading of Dragonfly in Amber by Diana and yes I say dent and not finish because honestly I don't see myself finishing this book in two weeks. I started it last year and I must admit it's definitely slower than the first book and contains a lot more politics. It's not a bad book, but I definitely think I need to move slow and ease my way into it. 

"The garage door creaked, groaned, the surrendered to the inevitable and surged suddenly upward, amid the twanging of springs and clouds of dust." 

Let me know what you guys are reading this Friday!

For nearly twenty years Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returning with her grown daughter to Scotland’s majestic mist-shrouded hills. Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as stunning as the events that gave it birth: about the mystery of an ancient circle of standing stones... about a love that transcends the boundaries of time... and about Jamie Fraser, a Scottish warrior whose gallantry once drew a young Claire from the security of her century to the dangers of his.

Now a legacy of blood and desire will test her beautiful copper-haired daughter, Brianna, as Claire’s spellbinding journey of self-discovery continues in the intrigue-ridden Paris court of Charles Stuart... in a race to thwart a doomed Highlands uprising... and in a desperate fight to save both the child and the man she loves.



  1. I love big books. Not tried this author before but it sounds like it could be good.

    My Friday 56 from H.P. Lovecraft's Favorite Weird Tales

  2. Enjoy your readathon! :) I have heard nothing but good things about Diana Gabaldon.

  3. Dragonfly in Amber was definitely heavy on the politics but it still ended up being one of my favorites in the series. Hope you managed to get a chunk of it read over the weekend and that you're enjoying it!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I'm still moving slow, but hopefully I'll get more accomplished soon!

  4. Of the first three books, this one is my least favorite. Do you watch the tv series?
    Here is a link to my Friday 56:

    1. Yea I've seen the first season, but I want to finish this book before I start the second season.
