The Friday #56, #12 The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson

The Friday #56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's VoiceJoin in every Friday and share an excerpt from a book you've been reading. Here are the rules:

  • Grab a book 
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your e-reader
  • Find any sentence (or a few, don't spoil it) 

**Be sure to post the links to your Friday #56 below!

Happy Reading!

So this week I decided to do an excerpt from The Crown of Embers which is the second book in Rae Carson's The Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy. To be honest this book is AMAZING so far and might turn out to be better than the first which I liked a lot! The main character is just as great as she was before and I love the confidence she has gained since the beginning of the first book. Rae Carson once again shows no mercy in this book so I will definitely warn you not to get too attached to any characters haha! 

"He stares at my abdomen, and I realize he's not looking at the wound, but at my Godstone. Tentatively, he reaches out with his forefinger, lets it hover above my navel." 

This probably is one of the most interesting parts I've encountered in this book that fits into the bigger plot which completely has me on the edge of my seat.

She led her people to victory over a terrifying, sorcerous army. Her place as the country's ruler should be secure. But it isn't.

Her enemies come at her like ghosts in a dream, from foreign realms and even from within her own court. And her destiny as the chosen one has not yet been fulfilled.

To conquer the power she bears, once and for all, Elisa must follow a trial of long-forgotten—and forbidden—clues, from the deep, hidden catacombs of her own city to the treacherous seas. With her go a one-eyed spy, a traitor, and the man whom—despite everything—she is falling in love with.

If she's lucky, she will return from this journey. But there will be a cost.


  1. I love it when the second book is even better. I think that happens because the world beginning is done in the first book and you've been introduced to the characters. The author then gives you what you want.

    My Friday 56 from West Of Dead

  2. Interesting 56... sounds magical.
    Different cover than others I've seen...
    Happy weekend!

  3. I haven't had the chance to try this author yet, but I want to. :)
    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
