Mad Libs: Vampire Academy (Blog Extravaganza #5)

So today is day #5 of the Get Up Offa That Slump Blogging Extravaganza hosted by Rachel at Beauty and the Bookshelf! Today we had the option of posting about a character dating profile or doing a mad-lib! Well lucky me I actually got a mad lib book from my #otspsecretsister. So here are the rules as they are described in any mad libs book:

Do Not look at the story on the page below. Fill in the following blanks on the page with words called for. Then, using the words you have selected, fill in the blank spaces in the story. Now you've created your own hilarious mad libs game!

Here Are The Words To Fill In: 

Adjective: Soft
Verb: Ran
Noun: Toilet
Adjective: Blue
Part of the Body (Plural): Legs
Noun: Chair
Verb Ending In "ING": Cutting
Adjective: Purple
Part of the Body: Nose
A Place: Hogwarts
Person in Room (Male): Tommy
Adjective: Warm
Verb Ending in "ING" : Hitting
Verb: Run

The Mad Lib:

My name is Rose Hathaway, and I attend a/an (adjective) school called St. Vladmir's, where I'm learning how to (verb) vampires. I'm going to be a/an (noun), a personal bodyguard trained to protect (adjective) vampires called Moroi from the Strigoi, who are immortal killing machines. I won't know who I'm guarding until after I graduate, but I'm keeping my (part of the body-plural)crossed that it will by my best (noun), Vasilisa Dragomir. Lissa's the last (verb ending in "ing")member of the Dragomir royal family, and we share a/an (adjective) psychic connection. I'm the best person to watch her (part of the body). Only problem is, we ran away to (a place) together, and got caught and sent back to St. (person in room - male)'s in disgrace. I'll be (adjective) if they even allow me to continue (verb ending in "ing") school! Plus, I'm pretty sure mom's going to (verb) me!

My Answers:

My name is Rose Hathaway, and I attend a/an soft school called St. Vladmir's, where I'm learning how to run vampires. I'm going to be a/an toilet, a personal bodyguard trained to protect blue vampires called Moroi from the Strigoi, who are immortal killing machines. I won't know who I'm guarding until after I graduate, but I'm keeping my legs crossed that it will by my best chair, Vasilisa Dragomir. Lissa's the last cuttingmember of the Dragomir royal family, and we share a/an purple psychic connection. I'm the best person to watch her nose. Only problem is, we ran away to Hogwarts together, and we got caught and sent back to St. Tommy's in disgrace. I'll be warm if they even allow me to continue hitting school! Plus, I'm pretty sure mom's going to crack me!

*I hope you guys had as much fun reading this as I did creating it! Mad Libs are actually quite. Copy this one done and fill it in for yourself or with a group of friends.


1 comment:

  1. This was so fun! It would be pretty sweet to run away to Hogwarts!
